Monday, July 14, 2008

Forgive me with the layout changes. I am just trying to fit in a new look for the blog. Lots to be done actually. Have you realised there's no blog header or titles in this one? haha. what a joke. Alrights. Will update in the nearest time possible! G'night fellow readers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

another some some.

There's not much to rant about for this week. The pictures above are mainly what we are up to at the moment. The ones in sweet wraps are called 'Pulvoron'. It's sweet. Yeah. SWEET I tell you and those on the lower-right are simply COOKIES! Chocolate Chips. =)
However, it is such a shame cos I didnt manage to get the picture of the cupcakes, as they were made on the day itself & I was in school. boo-hoo. The soon as I got home, it was already packed! So, I only took the end-product. Till the next post! ciao.